A few intrinsic benefits
Perks of the Bootcamp
If you are a woman entrepreneur, c-suite executive, or emerging entrepreneur, THEN the PURPOSE P.O.W.E.R BOOTCAMP is designed specifically for you.

Attracting opportunities
This gives you more options so you can get comfortable saying no to things not aligned and a heck yeah!! to what is for you. Consistently being a magnet attracting people with the same values. Reduce slow month anxieties. Have a steady influx that matches whatever flow you decide you want to work with. The right opportunities find and energize you, so overwhelm is not an option.
A life of lesiure
More energy, less stress and anxiety. More peace of mind, success and satisfaction. Laugh more, be more present, quality sleep, quality family time, self care and growth time. This will make you more compassionate and loving to others since you’re more present and not stressed by life and your job or work.
Become a Time Master
Knowing how to be efficient and effective.
Focusing on core projects without being distracted by multi-tasking. Getting more things done because you’ve mastered your time. You know your revenue generating activities time of day and when to tap into your ‘flow zone I’m about to crush this work’ mode, having the time to map out daily tasks and the discipline of sticking to it. You’ll still have the flexibility to bend with your own day and schedule.